Journal of Commerce and Management (JCM)
Journal of Commerce and Management (JCM)
Vol. : xx Issue : xx
- A Study on Employee Motivation towards Titan Industry Watch Division Hosur P.Sumithra
- To Study on Customer Satisfaction in Online-Banking Elakkiya. M1, Dr. Mary J. Priyadharisini2
- Consumer Brand Preference towards Purchase of Home Appliances (A Study with Special Reference Krishnagiri District) Lakshmanan. D
- An Empirical Study of Imaginative Thoughts For Women Entrepreneurs Venture Advancement In Small Scale Industries At Chennai City Preethi Priya Malar A1, Valan P2
- A Study on Impact Of Emotional Intelligence On Employee's Work Attitude In Software Industry B.Imran Basha1, Dr.A.Subangini Devi 2, Dr.R.Murugesan 3
- A Study On Customer Service Quality Of Public Sector Banks With Special Reference To Yelagiri Hills In Tirupattur District S. Vaishnavi