Student Welfare

Students Welfare Committee


The Student Welfare Committee of DBCY seeks to provide support to the educational process to advance the students academic and personal abilities. It aims at enabling them to face problems that hinder their academic success or the academic process, with the end of qualifying them professionally upon the national and regional levels.


The Committee abides with the programs set by the University to provide a unique academic environment based on positive interaction among the students and the University, and to help the students overcome all Personal, Social, and academic hindrances.

Dean: Student Welfare : Convener

Mr  Immanuvel S    

Women Welfare Coordinator

Dr Jayamary A 

Physical Director

Mr Ramkumar R


Mr Neelamegam R

System Administrator

Mr Thamothiran R

Office Admin

Mr Radhakrishnan V

 Faculty  Representatives

Dr Latha D (TA)

Dr Divyakumari P (MC)

Dr Murugan G (MS)

 IQAC Admin

Mr Govindaraj R T

 College Officials

Vice Principals, Campus Minister, Office Admin