IQAC - Meeting Minutes


The institution has an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) to monitor and maintain the standard of academic affairs of the institution. The cell is chaired by the Principal and the activities of the cell are being planned, executed and co- ordinated by an IQAC Coordinator with the assistance of representative members of faculty from each domain.

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Don Bosco College, Yelagiri Hills is performing following tasks on regular basis:

  1. Improvement in quality of teaching and research by regular inputs to all concerned based on feedback from students.
  2. Providing inputs for best practices in administration for efficient resource utilization and better services to students and staff.
  3. Providing inputs for Academic and Administrative Audit and analysis of results for improvement in areas found weak.

Students and staff give their feedback and suggestion on teaching and administrative performance by dropping their views in the Suggestion Box located in College Office, or through email to the Coordinator, IQAC at

The major activities of IQAC are;

  • Conducting academic audit
  • Documentation of annual staff and student feedback reports
  • Planning and execution of quality assurance measures in academic and curricular aspects
  • Provision of data to be published in the News letter (Monthly)
  • Documentation of minutes of IQAC meetings
  • Organizing seminars/workshops related to quality assurance aspects of the College
  • Documentation of all academic and outreach programmes activities
  • Prepare the report to be sent to the National Accreditation and Assessment Council (NAAC) and the same will be uploaded in the institution’s website
  • Preparation of periodic reports and to be sent the Principal.
  • Documentation of the self-appraisal reports of the faculty members

Minutes of Meeting