Defence Career Expo 2024

Celebrated on 20-03-2024


On March 20, 2024, a group of students from our institution had the privilege of attending the Defence Expo 2024 organized by Kumaraguru Institution in Coimbatore. Despite receiving the information on short notice, the Head of the Department promptly informed the students about the event, ensuring their timely participation.

Selection Process

While the event commenced on March 19 students were able to attend only on 20th march. A rigorous selection process was undertaken to ensure the most deserving candidates were chosen. Among the interested students, a careful screening was conducted based on certain criteria, including the absence of any outstanding fees. Ultimately, 11 students from both the first and second years were selected to represent our institution at the expo.

Approval and Arrangements

A formal written request, listing the names of the selected students, was promptly submitted to Dr. Rajendran, the Vice Principal Administration. Dr. Rajendran expeditiously reviewed the request and granted his approval by promptly signing the letter. Subsequently, online registration for the selected students was completed without delay, ensuring their participation in the event.

Event Highlights

Upon reaching the venue on time, the students were greeted with a myriad of opportunities to explore various aspects of the defense industry. The expo provided an immersive experience, exposing the students to state-of-the-art military equipment, insightful lectures, and captivating demonstrations by experts from the Indian Air Force. Furthermore, the event offered valuable insights into potential research opportunities within the defense sector, broadening the students' horizons and igniting their curiosity.


The Defence Expo 2024 field visit proved to be an enriching experience for the students, offering them a glimpse into the multifaceted world of defense. The event not only enhanced their understanding of military technologies and strategies but also unveiled numerous career prospects within the defense domain. Overall, it was a commendable initiative by Kumaraguru Institution, providing our students with a platform to learn, engage, and aspire towards contributing to the defense and security of our nation.